Sunday, February 27, 2011

I took a stand…and fell down the stairs

While in college I had several friends involved in the all powerful club that decided what bands were coming to campus. I decided to join so I could go to the concerts for free and vote on who we asked to perform. In order to be a “real member” and earn the respect of the board, you had to attend 3 consecutive meetings (high threshold, right). I went to all the meetings (post the point I decided to buckle down and become a board certified member). I had to have attended at least 6.

It was at this last (we’ll say 6th) meeting that we had an important vote. We were all asked to leave the room to form a line. Like cattle we were herded into the hallway so that we could be checked for certification as we filed back into the room one by one. I made my way to the front and gave my full name.

Board Certification Checker: You’re not a full time member

Me: I’ve been to more than the past 3 meetings

Board Certification Checker: You’re not on our list

Me: Maybe you haven’t updated your list

Board Certification Checker: Are you sure you signed into the meetings

Me: Every time

Board Certification Checker: I don’t know what to tell you

Me: So I don’t get to vote? Even though I’ve attended the meetings and helped out at several concerts.

Board Certification Checker: Sorry.

Me: I’ll stay for this meeting, but I’m quitting this club. This is BS! (To my friends, as I walked past the board certification checker with a scowl on my face)

As everyone filled out their ballots, I sat ballot-less with an unblinking glare directed at the board. I was unhappy. I wanted them to know I was unhappy, and it was their fault. I didn’t know if I should feel sad and invisible/ignored/left out or just angry.

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Once my friends were able to complete their voting, we took off to walk home…in the rain. You can’t make this stuff up. I got to the door to exit the building and was prepared to make a dramatic exit. They would rue the day they messed with me! First step out the door and I slipped.

This wasn’t just a run of the mill slip, it was one of those epic feet flying in the air and butt landing square on the ground slips. But wait! There’s more. This slip occurred on stairs. And the entire board was surrounding me as if they knew this would happen and they needed front row seats to further humiliate me.

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I landed on my hand, and my hand landed on my jacket. Sounds like it would provide some padding right? Wrong. There was a metal snap right where my hand hit. Not only did I break the snap and have to walk home covered in filth with a jacket sleeve that was snap-less and blowing in the wind, but it felt like I broke my hand. I can’t be too mad at the rain. Although it did help contribute to the fall, it was able to disguise my shame tears.

Don’t worry though, after several weeks the bruising went away and my hand stopped hurting. Also, I was able to fix the snap with a screw driver. I’m crafty like that.

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