Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Mega Bed

Freshman year of college I met Amrita. She would become my roommate and fellow impulsive decision maker over the next several years. The day we officially met was pure magic. We both lived on the 4th floor of our dorm. She lived down the hall on one side of the lounge and I loved down the hall on the opposite side. I was doing homework and attempting to relate to my fellow classmates in the lounge…and then Amrita appeared. She was also studying, but more importantly she was playing a movie. This wasn’t any movie; this was a very specific movie that would seal our friendship. Amrita was watching Rocky. We both absolutely love Rocky.

Since our chance meeting in that lounge we have been best friends. We became roommates our sophomore year in college. We both had singles our freshman year, but this wasn’t an option for us the following year (unless we wanted to live in a less than ideal location). So, my group of friends paired off so that we could get a block of doubles next to each other.

Here’s a picture of Amrita and me right after we moved into our shared room:

Mega Bed5

This is the ONLY normal picture of us. We always look back on this and wonder why most of our pictures are the way they are. We are capable of looking like normal humans. What it really comes down to is that neither of us have any interest in posing for “sexy” pictures or trying to impress people with our attempt at normalness. Pretty much all of our pictures were taken because we realized how stupid/ridiculous we looked and wanted to capture the moment.

Most of our pictures have ended up looking like this:

Mega Bed

(Yes that is black eye liner around my lips and shame in Amrita’s eyes.)

And this:

Mega Bed4

One day, while we were living in our shared dorm room, we decided it would be brilliant to make a gigantic bed out of our two smaller beds. I have absolutely no recollection of the conversation that lead us to spend our day creating a giant bed and subsequently watching movies and doing homework on it. I imagine the conversation went something like this:

Amrita: I’m bored.

Me: Me too.

Amrita: Let’s make a giant bed!

Me: Okay!

I bet you were thinking there was going to be some sort of explanation as to where the idea came from or something to shed light into either one of our thought processes. But, that’s exactly the point of the exchange above. We make quick decisions and act even quicker. One time Amrita decided that she needed a stuffed panda so we took a taxi to Kmart to find one. We live exciting lives!

But back to the bed story. Our beds were on opposite sides of our cramped dorm with a small aisle in between. We shoved the beds together in the middle of our room and called our friends over to see what we had done. It was a short lived dream that fizzled when we realized we couldn’t maneuver the room in its current state. Although the dream of the mega bed died quickly, it is a fond memory that I will always look back on when I’m dissatisfied with the ordinary size of my current bed.

Mega Bed3

If you look on the back wall in this picture you’ll notice several mangled versions of our normal picture.  Also, I realize the bed isn’t that enormous…but it’s bigger than any other dorm bed…and it’s super tall!

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