Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My enthusiasm for my legs is at a pretty low level. They seem to have decided on their own that they don’t want to function. It turns out, I don’t really have a say in the matter. I had bad shin splints in high school, which required me to ice my legs in class after my morning runs. The shin splints magically disappeared after years and years of grief, and I spent my time in college with functioning shin areas. My legs didn’t fully function during that period of time though either - I had to go to the doctor and hospital for a number of leg/foot related injuries. The shins were golden though.

Things were good until I had knee surgery last summer. Since then, my legs have gone on strike. My shins hurt enough to make me run with a limp and occasionally they go a little numb. I know what you’re thinking: why don’t you stop running? That’s just crazy. And the problem isn’t just limited to my time out running. My legs now hurt to the touch even when I’m sitting at work. It’s pretty awesome.

When I have a problem like the one outlined above, I like to brainstorm possible solutions. Unfortunately my mind works in weird ways, and the only possible solutions that I’ve managed to come up with all involve me amputating my own legs.


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